New Feature: Similar Domain Sales

We recently added a new feature to to help our users better determine the value of a domain they are considering backordering, or bidding on in an auction - “Similar Domain Sales”. This list includes historical data on domain sales for similar keywords and TLDs.

For example, check out the auction for, which is getting a lot of interest and ending in a few days, and you’ll see this below the fold:

new feature - similar historial sales

This is on all auction pages as well as all domain backorder pages. We hope it helps you to better understand the domain’s value and makes it easier so you don’t have to check other resources.

We’re happy to partner with the awesome people at for the data.

This is just the first of a lot more helpful features we hope to release before the end of the year. If you have any feedback or ideas, we’d love to hear it - please send us an email at